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2019 Convening

2019 Convening
MENA Theater Makers Alliance amplifies the voices of Middle Eastern and North African theater makers and expands how stories from and about our communities are told on U.S. stages.
We believe the rich tapestry of American theater must reflect this nation’s true diversity, and nuanced representations of MENA perspectives must be a vital part of cultural production in the U.S.
We take space, make opportunities, champion artists, and build relationships with other marginalized communities and allies to build a more vibrant American theater.
Thanks to all who attended our
Fall 2023 Convening on October 27-29, 2023
More than 130 attendees in-person and online made this weekend a success.
(More information)
(Watch Archived Sessions on HowlRound TV)
MENATMA Statement on Palestine
Read our statement on the current eruption of violence in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, and get resources to take action and educate yourself.
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